Started morning walk …

As i wrote earlier – i want to lose 7 kgs by 29th August ’09 but wasn’t doing any exercise. Well from this Sunday i have started my morning walk …. n yes ! evening walk too.

I took some photos of my favourite flower. My brother said –  “you went for a exercise walk or to take photos”.  Well every sunday I’ll take my camera with me n for the rest of the week days i’ll do my exercise walk.  Enjoying my summer morning !!!

Here are some of them :








Taking photos can be very tempting … i wouldn’t stop myself. i looked at my watch on my mobile – it was moving fast because i was enjoying every moment of it. I had to stop but next sunday will have more n hope to lose at least 1 kg this month.
My hair is growing very long – want to trim a little bit .. but at the same time don’t want to spend money on trimming. The hair looks fine – i do not know quite confused .. my friend “Kamal” will be trimming her hair so lets see if that inspired me .. .. Lets see !!! Any way enjoy the photos… 🙂

One thought on “Started morning walk …

  1. I’m impressed! After reading your post I can tell you are chuffed about your writing. If only I had your writing ability. I look forward to more updates and will be returning. Cheers!

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